Book COVID-19 EU Economic Architecture

Vox eBooks

Europe in the Time of Covid-19

There is no doubt that the Covid crisis represents a challenge for European unity and another crash test for the euro. This eBook brings together a collection of Vox columns proposing and analysing the appropriate responses to 'flatten the economic recession curve' and to safeguard the most impacted groups from the economic fallout of the health crisis.

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Beetsma, R, B Burgoon, and A de Ruijter (2020), “EU solidarity in fighting COVID-19: State of play, obstacles, citizens’ attitudes, and ways forward“, in F Nicoli, and F Vandenbroucke (eds), Europe in the Time of Covid-19, CEPR Press, London.


Costa-Font, J (eds), Europe in the Time of Covid-19, CEPR Press, London.


Becker, B, U Hege and P Mella-Barral (eds), Europe in the Time of Covid-19, CEPR Press, London.


Boot, A, E Carletti, and H Kotz (2020), “Coronavirus and financial stability 3.0: Try equity – risk sharing for companies, large and small“, in J Krahnen, L Pelizzon and M Subrahmanyam (eds), Europe in the Time of Covid-19, CEPR Press, London.


Boot, A, E Carletti, and H Kotz (2020), “Corona and Financial Stability 4.0: Implementing a European Pandemic Equity Fund“, in J Krahnen, L Pelizzon and M Subrahmanyam (eds), Europe in the Time of Covid-19, CEPR Press, London.


Andor, L, R Beetsma, and B Burgoon (2020), “The European Commission’s SURE initiative and euro area unemployment re-insurance“, in G Fischer, T Kuhn, C Luigjes, F Nicoli and F Vandenbroucke (eds), Europe in the Time of Covid-19, CEPR Press, London.


Fasani, F (eds), Europe in the Time of Covid-19, CEPR Press, London.


Motta, M and M Peitz (eds), Europe in the Time of Covid-19, CEPR Press, London.


Motta, M and M Peitz (eds), Europe in the Time of Covid-19, CEPR Press, London.


Oliu-Barton, M and B Pradelski (eds), Europe in the Time of Covid-19, CEPR Press, London.


Angeloni, I (eds), Europe in the Time of Covid-19, CEPR Press, London.


Perotti, E (eds), Europe in the Time of Covid-19, CEPR Press, London.


Abad, J and J Suarez (eds), Europe in the Time of Covid-19, CEPR Press, London.


Gobbi, G, F Palazzo and A Segura (eds), Europe in the Time of Covid-19, CEPR Press, London.


Bénassy-Quéré, A, R Marimon, and J Pisani-Ferry (2020), “COVID-19: Europe needs a catastrophe relief plan“, in L Reichlin, D Schoenmaker and B Weder di Mauro (eds), Europe in the Time of Covid-19, CEPR Press, London.


Landais, C, E Saez and G Zucman (eds), Europe in the Time of Covid-19, CEPR Press, London.


Gros, D (eds), Europe in the Time of Covid-19, CEPR Press, London.


Löyttyniemi, T (eds), Europe in the Time of Covid-19, CEPR Press, London.


Bénassy-Quéré, A, A Boot, and A Fatas (2020), “A proposal for a Covid Credit Line“, in M Fratzscher, C Fuest, F Giavazzi, R Marimon, p Martin, J Pisani-Ferry, L Reichlin, P Teles and B Weder di Mauro (eds), Europe in the Time of Covid-19, CEPR Press, London.


Erce, A, A Garcia Pascual and R Marimon (eds), Europe in the Time of Covid-19, CEPR Press, London.


Corsetti, G and A Erce (eds), Europe in the Time of Covid-19, CEPR Press, London.


Codogno, L and P van den Noord (eds), Europe in the Time of Covid-19, CEPR Press, London.


Codogno, L and P van den Noord (eds), Europe in the Time of Covid-19, CEPR Press, London.


Bini Smaghi, L (eds), Europe in the Time of Covid-19, CEPR Press, London.


Pröbstl, J (eds), Europe in the Time of Covid-19, CEPR Press, London.


Grund, S, L Guttenberg and C Odendahl (eds), Europe in the Time of Covid-19, CEPR Press, London.


Bénassy-Quéré, A, G Corsetti, and A Fatas (2020), “COVID-19 economic crisis: Europe needs more than one instrument“, in G Felbermayr, M Fratzscher, C Fuest, F Giavazzi, R Marimon, p Martin, J Pisani-Ferry, L Reichlin, H Rey, M Schularick, J Südekum, P Teles, N Véron and B Weder di Mauro (eds), Europe in the Time of Covid-19, CEPR Press, London.


Beck, T (eds), Europe in the Time of Covid-19, CEPR Press, London.


Horn, S, J Meyer and C Trebesch (eds), Europe in the Time of Covid-19, CEPR Press, London.


Garicano, L (eds), Europe in the Time of Covid-19, CEPR Press, London.


Bordignon, M and G Tabellini (eds), Europe in the Time of Covid-19, CEPR Press, London.


Corsetti, G, A Erce and A Garcia Pascual (eds), Europe in the Time of Covid-19, CEPR Press, London.


Gali, J (eds), Europe in the Time of Covid-19, CEPR Press, London.


Giavazzi, F and G Tabellini (eds), Europe in the Time of Covid-19, CEPR Press, London.


Yashiv, E (eds), Europe in the Time of Covid-19, CEPR Press, London.


Codogno, L and P van den Noord (eds), Europe in the Time of Covid-19, CEPR Press, London.


Buiter, W and S Kapoor (eds), Europe in the Time of Covid-19, CEPR Press, London.


Vihriälä, V (eds), Europe in the Time of Covid-19, CEPR Press, London.
