

彼得·多尔顿,苏塞克斯大学经济学教授,国家经济和社会研究所研究主任,经济与经济研究所、伦敦经济学院、IZA和CESifo研究员。他曾在纽卡斯尔大学、伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院、伦敦大学教育学院担任教授。在此之前,他曾任职于赫尔大学和布里斯托大学。他在公共机构非执行人员任命方面有丰富的经验。2004-2007年,他任职于医生和牙医薪酬审查机构;2009-2011年,他任职于学校教师薪酬审查机构;2011-2014年,他任职于武装部队薪酬审查机构;2014年,他任职于总医学理事会关于未来医疗培训报告的专家咨询小组。他曾在澳大利亚国立大学、巴黎第二大学担任访问职位,并在斯坦福大学胡佛研究所获得国家奖学金。他还担任过世界银行、经济合作与发展组织、瓦尔基- gems基金会、ESRC和许多政府部门(BIS、DWP、DfE、DfEE、DEfRA、内阁办公室、内政部、大法官办公室)的顾问。彼得·多尔顿是一名应用微观经济学家,对计量经济学有着浓厚的研究兴趣。他的主要研究领域是劳动经济学、卫生经济学、教育经济学和微观计量经济学。他的研究兴趣广泛多样。 He has published papers on: discrimination, the minimum wage, pay scales, performance related pay, labour contracts, incentives, pensions, the evaluation of total reward, the return to education, the economics of networks, the teacher labour market, the European Working Time Directive , education system performance, the economics of Primary Health Care, job search models, training scheme evaluation, active labour market policy evaluation, unemployment duration, occupational choice, computer use, student performance, overeducation, time use, inequality, public sector pay and obesity. Over his career he has published over 125 papers in leading Economics journals. His research has been published in major economics journals (including The Review of Economics and Statistics, The Economic Journal, Journal of Labor Economics, the Journal of Human Resources, the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Economic Policy, the Journal of Health Economics, Health Economics and many others.) He has had research funding from: the ESRC, NHS, LPC, ACE PHARE, QCA, HMTreasury, Training Agency, European Commission, Joseph Rowntree Foundation and many other organisations.) He has previously served on the editorial board of: the Economic Journal, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Education Economics, and the Economics of Education Review.