

米格尔·波亚雷斯·马杜罗(Miguel Poiares Maduro)是欧洲大学研究所跨国治理学院院长。此前,他曾任欧洲大学研究所法律系教授和罗伯特·舒曼中心教授,并在该中心担任全球治理项目创始主任(2010年至2013年)。2013年至2015年,他担任葡萄牙副总理兼区域发展部长。2009年之前,他一直是欧洲法院的总检察长。从2016年6月到2017年5月,他担任国际足联新的治理和审查委员会主席。他是欧盟媒体自由和多元主义高级别小组的成员。他一直是耶鲁大学法学院、欧洲学院和大学Católica以及葡萄牙Nova的定期访问教授。他还曾在伦敦经济学院、马德里大学和芝加哥法学院任教。他是欧洲大学学院(佛罗伦萨)的法学博士,是Rowe and Maw奖的第一个得主和Obiettivo Europa奖(EUI最佳博士论文奖)的得主。他曾是哈佛法学院富布赖特访问研究学者。 He is Co-Director of the Academy of International Trade Law (Macao). He belongs to the editorial or advisory board of several law journals, including the European Law Journal and the Common Market Law Review and was founding editor of Global Constitutionalism. He co-edited with Joseph Weiler the Special Book Review Issue of the European Law Journal, and with Francis Snyder the Hart Publishers Series Studies in European Law and Integration. He is the author of We the Court - The European Court of Justice and the European Economic Constitution (Oxford, Hart Publishing, 1997). He has published articles, in several languages, on issues of EU law, constitutional law, human rights law and international economic law. More recently he published A Constituição Plural – Constitutionalismo e União Europeia (Lisboa, Principia, 2006) and The Past and Future of EU Law (co-edited with Loic Azoulai, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2009). He has also published a non-legal book (Crónicas de um Peixe Fora de Água, Lisboa, Entrelinhas, 2006). He has been honoured by the President of the Portuguese Republic with the Order of Sant'Iago da Espada for literary, scientific and artistic merit. In 2010 he was awarded the Gulbenkian Science Prize.