Kevin Hjortshøj O’rourke是纽约大学阿布扎比分校的经济学教授。他曾任牛津万灵学院Chichele经济史教授和欧洲经济研究中心研究主任。他是英国皇家科学院院士和爱尔兰皇家科学院院士。他也是NBER的研究助理。1989年获哈佛大学博士学位,先后任教于哥伦比亚大学、哈佛大学、都柏林大学学院、巴黎政治学院和都柏林三一学院。他目前担任《经济政策》的高级编辑;历史计量学会和欧洲历史经济学会理事;《经济史评论》和《牛津经济论文》编辑委员会成员;皇家经济学会理事会成员;也是勃鲁盖尔科学委员会的成员。 In the past he served as an Editor of the European Review of Economic History, as an editorial board member of the Journal of Economic History and World Politics, as Vice President of the Economic History Association, and as President of the European Historical Economics Society. Kevin's research lies at the intersection of economic history and international economics, particularly international trade. He has written extensively on the history of globalisation, and his Globalization and History (co-authored with Jeffrey G. Williamson) won the 1999 American Association of Publishers/PSP Award for the best scholarly book in economics. Power and Plenty: Trade, War and the World Economy in the Second Millennium, co-authored with Ronald Findlay, was published by Princeton University Press in 2007; Une Brève Histoire du Brexit was published by Odile Jacob in 2018, and appeared in English as A Short History of Brexit (Penguin, 2019). In his spare time, Kevin serves as a municipal counsellor in St Pierre d'Entremont, a small mountain village in France.