
社会政策教授Richard Titmuss伦敦政治经济学院的科学

朱利安·勒大一直是社会政策教授Richard Titmuss自1993年以来,伦敦经济学院的。从2003年到2005年他被借调到唐宁街10号首相的高级政策顾问。他是一个成立社会科学院的院士,公共卫生学院的荣誉研究员医学,和一个国王基金的受托人。2006年,他被授予一个荣誉博士学位(D.Litt)苏塞克斯大学的。2007年,他是一位皇家艺术协会的负责人。他目前卫生英格兰主席:健康和幸福的国家参考集团英国卫生部。他也是一个群成员社会政策分析人士建议欧盟委员会主席。2007年社会工作实践工作组主席英国儿童、家庭和学校。以及这些职位,他担任欧盟委员会(European Commission)的一名顾问,世界银行、世界卫生组织、经济合作与发展组织(OECD),英国财政部,英国就业与养老金和英国广播公司。他主要的教学医院,副主席改善卫生委员会委员,几个卫生当局的非执行董事。 He has served on many National Health Service working parties, on several think-tank commissions and on two grants boards for the Economic and Social Research Council. He is the author, co-author or editor of eighteen books, and has written more than one hundred refereed journal articles and book chapters on economics, philosophy and public policy. His book, Motivation, Agency and Public Policy: of Knights and Knaves, Pawns and Queens (Oxford University Press, 2006), was described by the Economist as ‘short, accessible - and profound’. He was one of Prospect magazine’s 100 top British public intellectuals, and one of the ESRC’s ten Heroes of Dissemination. He is one of the principal architects of the UK Government’s current public service reforms introducing choice and competition into health care and education. He writes regularly for the national and international press. He also appears frequently on television and radio, including the Today Programme, The World at One, The World Tonight and The Politics Show. He has been several times a member of Radio 4’s Any Questions panel and has presented editions of Radio 4’s Analysis and BBC 2’s The Big Idea.