

乔凡尼费里拥有纽约大学经济学博士学位和充满LUMSA大学经济学教授(意大利罗马),他担任负责学术事务的副校长从2014年到2018年。在1999 - 2012年他是大学的巴里:部门经济学的椅子(2005 - 12)和副校长国际关系(2009 - 12)。他之前担任世界银行首席金融经济学家(1998 - 99)和研究部门的副主任螃蟹船环意大利自行车赛”(1984 - 1998)。他是访问研究员:亚洲开发银行研究所(2002 - 03),欧洲大学研究所,佛罗伦萨(1984);香港金融管理局(2007),国家经济研究局(1990年),东京大学普林斯顿大学(1995 - 96),(2004)。他为欧盟委员会和议会咨询。他是意大利财政部经济政策顾问(1999 - 2002)和意大利的经济顾问协会之间的合作银行(2001 - 2009)。从2008年他是一个智库欧洲协会的创始成员的合作银行。他是EBA的银行利益相关者组的成员在2011年和2013年之间。他是一名管理者和董事会的国际研究中心科学委员会的合作金融在蒙特利尔高等商学院。 He is editor of the journals: Economic Notes, Journal of Entrepreneurial & Organizational Diversity. He has led (or consulted for) policy and research related projects in several countries: Albania, China, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Serbia, Thailand, Turkey. His research interests include: market imperfections and the transmission of financial shocks, banking structure, credit rating agencies, corporate governance, finance-growth nexus, migration, company internationalization, Chinese economy, sustainability. He has published extensively in these fields. Since 2013 he chairs the Center for Relationship Banking & Economics (CERBE) focusing on relational goods towards society’s wellbeing (https://sites.google.com/site/cerbelumsa/). Regarding sustainability, at the University of Bari he envisaged and helped build the St Nicholas School for Intercultural Dialogue (www.saintnicholas-school.com) while at LUMSA University he chairs the Master in Management of Sustainable Development Goals (http://mastermsdg.lumsa.it).